Corporate Shepherd

There are many leaders today that want to move beyond just making a profit to really making a difference.  They want to be successful and that’s great but they also want the significance that only comes from adding value to other people. When leadership is approached from a Christian perspective Read more…

Effective Leaders Value Their People

Leaders have always been evaluated based on the two extremes of the tasks that must be done compared to the relationship skills involved in motivating the people who will actually do the work.    The theory was some leaders are born project managers and others are great in customer service. In Read more…

The Leadership Law Of The Inner Circle

This by far is one of the most important principles identified by John Maxwell in the realm of leadership.  The simple definition of the law is that a leader’s potential is determined by those closest to them. As any organization continues to grow the leader cannot continue to spend equal Read more…

Finding Real Success In Life

We owe a great deal to several authors who have written excellent books on how to move from success as the primary goal in your life to real significance.  Probably the book Half Time by Bob Buford has made the most life changing impact with people who have worked very Read more…

Five Irrefutable Paradoxes Of Leadership

I grew up in a culture where positional power meant more to your leadership success than the content of your character.  Your education and resume were far more important than relationships.  Finally, the research shows that character is more important than competency.  However, this Forbes posts points out there are Read more…