3 Ways To Regain Personal Momentum

When negative things are happening in your life and you feel like you are in a deep hole and cannot see how to get out there are three key personal leadership disciplines that will help you get your positive momentum back. The first is Perspective.  When things are not going Read more…

7 Keys To Marriage Maintenance

I have now been married for 44 years and still realize that if I don’t evaluate the basics on a regular basis we can easily get into trouble.  Never assume that you have reached a point where it’s not important to do the little things because in a great marriage Read more…

The Empty Chair

The empty chair represents someone who was in your life and no longer is.  The chair is a constant reminder of this painful reality.  For me it started when my mother died when I was only 6.  I would look at old pictures just to see her sitting at the Read more…

How To Communicate Better In Marriage

I really believe that whether you are similar or extremely different from you spouse both can be an advantage or a weaknesses depending upon your motives.  If you are different and your motive is to complete then it’s an advantage but if your motive is manipulation then you will use Read more…

Communicating With Your Wife

This is one of those times that I am glad I am only writing the introduction to these posts and letting someone else drive the real content.  I have made all of the mistakes in this post plus some but since this is the most important person in my life Read more…