When Is Teamwork Really Necessary

It has always amazed me that when we tend to correct a bad situation, we over react and go to the other extreme.  The top down directive leadership of the 80″s gave way to today’s highly collaborative meetings that in many ways are even more ineffective.  At least with positional Read more…

Are You Productive Enough?

I have had to learn some very hard lessons in the area of personal productivity.  I have shifted over the years from notes and to do lists to going paperless with only project management software.  The technology has really helped but it can be a trap if you try to Read more…

Seven Secrets To Inspiring Your Team

In my leadership work I am shocked by how many teams for the most part participate in meetings that are basically a waste of time.  We value collaboration but we just do not possess the competency to stop dumbing down the content so that everyone can be involved.  A significant Read more…

The 6 Ways To Grow A Company

This post by Gino Chirio is a gold mine in so many critical areas: strategy, innovation and process improvement.  The tension today between lowering cost through process improvement and how many priorities should be directed toward innovation is what makes companies win or fail.  I promise the graph alone is Read more…